FDIC-Insured – Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Photo Card Guidelines

There are certain restrictions on the images that you may provide. The following list is provided as a guide. However, we reserve the right to approve or reject any image at our sole discretion.

Please do not provide any images that contain the following:

  • Ammunition or firearms
  • Branded products, including abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols
  • Copyrighted or trademarked names, pictures, illustrations, or other visuals, including, but not limited to, sports teams or mascots
  • Celebrities, musicians, public figures, athletes, or cartoons
  • Currency or monetary images
  • Gambling
  • Illegal activities
  • Images that would impede security features or cause issues in card use
  • Nudity or semi-nudity
  • Political or religious statements or images
  • Profanity or other obscene behavior or gestures
  • Professional photographs
  • Provocative, lewd, or sexual images of any kind
  • Racial or prejudicial subject matter
  • Socially unacceptable or discriminatory behavior or signs, including images depicting gangs, hatred, illegal drugs, tobacco or alcohol use
  • Violence or violent acts

Photos containing brands (e.g., mascots) as long as the brand is not the focus of the photo (e.g., picture with mascot vs. picture of mascot).

Upon submitting your image to us, you represent and certify that you have the sole right to use the image or have obtained any necessary consent to allow us to alter, copy, print, distribute, prepare, and to use the image or derivative works of the image on the Visa card we issue to you.

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Design One Creative LLC, Chesapeake Bank, and Visa and/or each of its affiliates from all claims that arise from our using the image you provide on the Visa card we issue to you.


This here, it’s dependable and sealed tighter than a pickle jar, and it’ll pop up in a new window just to keep things tidy.

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