FDIC-Insured – Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Security Statement

Chesapeake Bank takes the following precautions to protect each and every customer:

  • Consumer checking accounts are automatically enrolled in our basic ID Theft Recovery Program and are eligible to upgrade to other ID Theft Protection products. Even greater protection is available with our IDSafeChoice Plus premium service.
  • Chesapeake Bank monitors your accounts for suspicious activity. If we see something out of the ordinary, we’ll contact you to verify you’ve authorized the suspicious transaction.
  • If your checkcard is lost or stolen, call our 24-hour hotline to have the card cancelled immediately (866-344-2437). Card controls are also offered in Online Banking.
  • Your user ID and password for online banking protect you by confirming your identity.
  • Chesapeake Bank uses a multifactor authentication system with online banking to ensure you are authorized to enter online even from another computer.
  • Online banking automatically times out and terminates your session after an extended period of inactivity.
  • Firewalls are in place to provide another layer of security for your online banking information.
  • We handle your bill payment claims for you.

Primary Contact

Solution Center

Call: 877-436-9032

Text: 877-436-9032


This here, it’s dependable and sealed tighter than a pickle jar, and it’ll pop up in a new window just to keep things tidy.

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